Sunday, October 31, 2010

Throwing Curves

Sometimes life can throw you curves that you never saw coming. They can sweep your feet out from under you and it may even be a little difficult to get up and to look at the positive side of things. Last Monday I went to work with a job and left with a 5 days notice that I would no longer be employed at my job because of their financial difficulties. This whole week has been very bitter sweet. Some days it was a little more bitter than sweet.. :)

I have worked for Murdock for 2 1/2 years. I was planning on staying there until I graduated because it had been such a great job. It was extremely flexible, they worked with my school schedule, and the pay was pretty darn decent. On Monday I was a little bummed, but surprisingly okay with everything. The next morning I decided I wasn't okay with everything and spend the whole day SO SO ANGRY! I couldn't understand how someone could just go ahead and lay off their employees to save money. Just the week before, the dealership was having a promo and giving $25 gift cards to different customers who came in. Maybe since they were going to fire 7 people throughout the week they figured they could afford it? My poor husband has had to deal with me having these lame emotional break downs because I am so worried about finding a job and being able to make ends meet and pay the bills if I can't find anything before Christmas. I know I shouldn't worry about it because things will work out, but worrying is part of my nature. It'll be an adventure that's for sure! I have to keep reminding myself that God stretches us to make us stronger and that he'll take care of us if we keep paying our tithing and doing the right things. I know everything will work out, so for now I will keep looking for jobs and I will learn to be patient and grateful for everything I do have in my life.

"Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake."
-Victor Hugo


  1. Carlee! That is way hard! I'm so sorry. Let us know if you need anything :)

  2. Oh Heidi! You're too nice! Thanks a bunch!!
