Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Blogs are a funny thing. Mike likes to make fun of all of us bloggers who put our husbands names in the URL or in the name of our blog. He's never posted anything on here, but I think Mike and Carlee sounds so much better than just plain Carlee. I'm also not creative enough to come up with anything better so he'll just have to deal :) Anyway, he thinks it's really weird that I post things that are personal for the world to see and that I don't mind. I've told him it's my lazy way of keeping a journal for myself, but he's right! Why would I allow everyone to look at my life or read my journal? :) I figure I read other peoples blogs for entertainment so I need to pay them back with a little entertainment of their own. :)

I was talking to my friend Lauren the other night about blogs and how much we love them. Both she and I really blog so we can stalk other people. I check my blog everyday to see updates for other people, which may classify me as a bit creepy or lame.

I think facebook has ruined any sense of privacy for everyone and no one cares about being private about their lives. Those kids on facebook who tell me what they had for lunch on their status or who leave a status saying that they are feeling really down need to cool it. To me they're only fishing for the 28 comments that say I love you. I'll pray for you. You are the best! Don't let the haters get you down! What's wrong honey?? and so on... That is why I love blogs. You can see what is going in the lives of the people you really care about and it isn't nonsense (most of the time :)) Some blogs make me so happy and I laugh my head off at a lot of stories such as the time my friend Suzanne peed her pants on a carnival ride in Mexico (funniest story I've ever heard!) Anyway, is this post weird? I think it's weird so I'll be done. Have a good one!


  1. Can I just say that I'm totally psyched that I made it into the this post??

  2. You totally deserve it Lauren! :)
