Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Miles!!

I remember... oh about 12 weeks ago when I ran 2 miles for a long run and thought to myself 'There's NO way I could ever run 3!' The next week I surprised myself and ran 3, then 4, and so on. After I ran 7 miles with my sister I realized that I could totally do a half-marathon and I'd be completely fine. It is SO amazing what you can train your body to do. It's so fun to think you can't do something only to surprise yourself.

The furthest I had ever run before training for this thing was exactly 1 1/2 miles. Today Chelsie and I hit 10! I have never felt more proud of myself! Well, actually I was pretty proud of myself when I got a C+ in math 1050 (yeah, I know what you're thinking all of you smart overachievers, but you must understand that Math + Carlee = Disaster X 10) my junior year of high school, but that's another story.

On today's run, Chelsie was probably pretty entertained with my sweet power ranger jumps, singing, and cheering (she chimed in too, I'm not the only guilty one :)). It was a pretty fun run all in all.

We were chased by a dog today! That was eventful. Most of the dogs we've been potentially chased by have always been tied up, but not this one. When he came flying out of the bushes, we stopped, started yelling at him, and then his owner who saw all of this, called his dog back. I apologized to the guy for running past his house (Who am I? A couple of weeks ago I apologized to my friend Heidi for the sun because it was so bright and in her eyes... since I have absolute control over the sun!)

Only one more week till the half-marathon and I'm pretty excited! I'm so happy that Chelsie is going to run it with me. Running can get pretty boring after a couple of hours... or even 10 minutes so it's been so nice that I have had a running buddy to talk to the entire time and laugh with. It has been so great!


  1. Woohoo!!! You guys are awesome. Make sure to post some picts. after the race and have LOTS OF FUN!!!!

  2. You have a blog!!!!! YEAH!!!! I'm so glad I stumbled upon this. That is so awesome that you ran a 1/2 marathon! You go Girl. LOve ya forever!
