Sunday, August 21, 2011


The last month has been completely full of changes. They've been very good changes, but scary ones too. Here are a few of the things that have happened.

-Got a new position/promotion at work which gave me the hours I wanted and a raise which was nice. So far it has been great, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing half the time so it's been a little adventure/stressful.

-Moved into our house (Post coming up about this little diddy)

- Moved into a new ward.
We went from being one of the oldest couples in the ward to the absolute YOUNGEST. If I could split my ward up into percentages according to age... hum, I'd say 65% are 60 and older, 25% of the people are in their early 30's and older, and 10% are in their late 20's or they're teenagers & kids. Where does that put us? With the teenagers or something? :) No, so far it's been great, just a tad hard (for me especially) to get used to. It seems like women just need friends and since we've moved here I've always had an entire row to myself to sit alone on in Relief Society and whatnot so as lame as it sounds, it's been hard for me to be a loner and to have no one to talk to. But one upside! I can stretch out and take a nap if I'm ever feeling like it with all the chairs :) They do make them nice and cushy. I'm sure it'll be just fine and I just need to be brave and get to know people.

-Had our cars broken into
On Friday morning as I was pulling out of the driveway to drive to work in Logan, the passenger door swung open on my car. I thought that was weird and remembered our neighbor telling us they had had their GPS and DVD player for their kids stolen out of the car and that whoever stole it had left the passenger door of their car slightly ajar so they wouldn't hear the door get shut in the middle of the night. I pulled back in the driveway and looked around in the car and saw that Mike's GPS doc was on the floor, but they hadn't taken anything. I thought it was really weird. They must have been looking for one specific thing because they didn't take the $100 gift card we had (there's only 13 cents on it so we didn't care that it was sitting out) on the seat. There were other things they could've taken too, so I thought it was odd. Mikes car had the same thing happen, but once again, nothing stolen. We had our car doors locked so whoever did it must be good at getting in quickly. On that note, being worried about being robbed has also been a new change :)

So far the changes we've had have been awesome, hard to get used to, and wonderful, but I'm grateful that we know this is where we're supposed to be and what we're supposed to be doing. It makes it all easier.

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