Monday, January 18, 2010

What a week!

Mike and I just barely finished up our first week back at school and it has been a little overwhelming! A couple of weeks ago Mike took the refresher course for math because USU makes everyone take the math placement test after two years of not having math. Because of that, he had to take the test last Saturday and register for a math class. All of them were completely full since it was only a couple of days before the semester started. On Wednesday he was finally allowed to sign into a class and we're both very happy about it. He works for Farm Bureau and they decided to move his branch to Brigham City starting in February. He's been working extra hard before the big move and he's also been working at his other job so he's super busy. His job in Brigham will most likely put us in Bountiful in a couple of years.

My whole week at school was so terrifying to me which is SO weird because I don't get freaked out about school. I actually really like school, but for some reason I was nervous all week and was so so sick about all of my classes. Before this semester, I went to talk to my advisor and he told me I needed to take a Quantitative Intensive class this semester or I would also have to take the math placement test. Let's be honest, I wouldn't be able to get a score high enough to save my life so I decided that taking a class now would probably be a good idea. Now, USU is silly and has some ridiculous classes that are available for a QI class. They even have one about the production of cereal, which was full dang it! It all came down to Genetics or Psychological Statistics. I went to a fabulous website called to find out about the professors for the class. ratemyprofessors has reviews from other students who had already taken a course from the professor and they rate the workload, the teacher, how hot the teacher is, etc. Let's just say genetics lost. My stats class looked a tiny bit more promising and I loved my other stats class so I signed up for it. I looked at all of my syllabus's (syllabi?) for my classes and wrote down when everything was due and when all of tests and research projects were due and I think I've been hyperventilating since. :) I didn't realize how time consuming my stats class would be! We have 2 super long assignments due every week and our tests are supposed to be ridiculously hard. A girl I knew who took the class last semester said to plan on spending 5-6 hours on the take home part of the test (half of the test is a take home test) Mike was so so nice all week. He bought me flowers and listened to me complain all week! He's the best! It has been quite the week, but hey, only 15 more weeks! I think...

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