1. I love USU!
2. I love the crisp air in the mornings
3. I love that everywhere you go, there is always someone running.
4. I love the summers!
5. I love that the mountains are a 15 minute walk from home.
6. I love Brent (He is a man with special needs who rides around Logan on his bike, sporting his hello kitty backpack, waving at everyone).
7. I love the people watching aspect of things. Anywhere you go, there is a character, such as this man from campus yesterday.

It was 12:00, prime time at the TSC, and this old man came zooming past me and suddenly stopped to do maybe 50 jumping jacks? Where he chose to do this was like a little stage for him. There are stairs surrounding this little water fall thing and he chose to stand at the bottom where all could observe his fitness. After his jumping jacks he started to do some downward dog poses, and then proceeded with a bunch of push-ups. Everyone was taking pictures with their phones because this... this was not normal. After his push-ups he jumped up and started zig-zagging through hoards of people. It made my day.
8. I love Pounders!
9. I love its beautiful sunsets
10. I simply love this place and will be so sad when we have to leave to move on to bigger better things.