Warning, lots of pictures! This post is more for my benefit that anyone else's. I LOVE before and after pictures and it makes me happy when I can see pictures right next to each other to see the difference.
Mike and I have been working on different rooms every weekend, for the past couple of months and we've been able to get a lot done.
A couple of weeks ago, the family came over to help us till up and rake the front yard to get it ready for sod and after lots of rain storms and a delay on the sod delivery, we were finally able to get the sod laid tonight. It looks so great! I'm in love with it.

Here are a few more things we worked on.
The main bathroom on our house was very gross looking. I could scrub and scrub the floor, but no matter what it would still look dirty and gross. The caulking on the baseboards was gray with specs of black and it just looked awful.
Mike and my brother in-law Chad spent a couple of hours laying down new flooring and putting new baseboards on. It doesn't look like a brand spanking new bathroom, but now it looks clean and livable. It was a definite improvement from what we had before.
Gross flooring from before
Happy flooring after (that looks and feels CLEAN!!)
We have also painted 2 of our bedrooms. One of the rooms we did was the master bedroom. When we moved into our house, we found that someone had peed on the carpet in the master bedroom and it smelled AWFUL. We tore out the carpet and found that there was more carpet beneath (the industrial kind they have in schools) that was glued to the floor. I was able to borrow a carpet cleaner from my mom and everything came right out. A few weeks ago, we painted and put in new carpet.
After (with new carpet)
Now we just need to fix up the master bathroom and finish the bedroom and the basement and then this baby is going to get put on the market. Yep, you read that right! We have decided to sell our home. Mike has chosen a different career path which no longer means we need to live in Brigham City for his job. We will hopefully be heading back over the mountain to live in Logan again. Since both of us drive together to Logan every day anyway we figured it only made sense to make the move and to simplify our lives a little bit. We feel like it's the right thing to do. Some of you may thing we are total idiots, but this has been such a great experience for both of us. We've gotten to know the most amazing people in our ward, we've learned a lot of new skills that will come in handy in the future, and we've been able to learn a lot about ourselves and what we want for our future. We initially followed what we knew to be right and now we are following that feeling again :) We just hope that our house will sell fast and that we will be able to make a good profit off of it. We're hopeful and excited for this next little chapter.