For quite some time, I have needed my wisdom teeth out and I had avoided this fact like the plague for the last 3 years until I started to feel a lot of pressure on all of my teeth. I decided in December it was probably time to take the plunge and get this done.
Last weekend Mike dropped me off at the oral surgeons office and left to go to class and my mom was going to show up while I was in getting them pulled. It was amazing because I looked at the clock as they were hooking me up to the IV's to put me out and it was 9:15. When I woke up I looked at the clock and it was 9:45. The man was incredibly fast! They took me into the recovery room and I sat and texted things to my mom since my mouth was chuck full of gauze and I felt pretty coherent. I was worried before the surgery that I would be like this guy... (hilarious)
I did profess my love for Mike to my mom on my way home though. I told her I loved him SO much and I guess I was pretty emotional about it. I also said he was SO nice to me. She said I was a very sweet girl on drugs. :)
The whole weekend I was nice and plump
The pain from the surgery was not so bad for the first couple of days and I was sure I would be back to work on Monday, but on Monday/Tuesday, I started to feel worse and worse and a lot of pressure was building up in the left side of my jaw. It went from my ear all the way to my nose. It was SO painful. On Thursday I had to leave work early because the pain was so bad it was making me nauseous. No matter what I took for the pain, it wouldn't help. I finally got an appointment to see my doctor Friday and found out I had an infection. That experience was.. pleasant as he jammed a tube down in my gum (blinding PAIN!) haha, to suck some stuff out. I couldn't tell at the time because I was trying to keep myself from crying/swearing, but it relieved a lot of pressure.
That night, I was able to eat chicken (glorious!!) and now Mike is eating actual meals, instead of ham sandwiches and frozen pizza, because I can actually get up off the couch to make something. Miracles happen people :)