My goodness, I feel like summer just started and it's already almost over!
Things are going really well for Mr. Berry and I. Our classes this semester have been all together... delightful. I am taking anatomy in Brigham and it has been killer. I took it from Andy Anderson the summer I got engaged... yep dropped that one! Doing it in Brigham has been SO much easier and I don't feel like it's been taking over my life. It is still really hard and I have to study a lot, but luckily, I have found a study buddy and we've been able to both do really well in that class. It also helps that my professors tests aren't ridiculous and he actually tests on things that either you know or don't know compared to Andy's where he had a trick in what seemed like every question.
Mike just finished up one of his classes last week and he'll finish Psych Stats at the beginning of August. I took that class last year so I've sort of been able to help out, but not really. It's funny how you forget things. I'm sure I will forget 80% of what I learn in anatomy this semester, but oh well! I'll be officially done with school and I'll never have to use it anyway.