Right now things are just peachy for us. We only have about 1 more month of classes and then we'll get to take a little breather for a couple of weeks until summer classes start up. I've got one more class to take this summer and I'll finally be graduated! I'm so excited to be done with my undergrad I can hardly stand it! After graduation I'm going to get my Speech Language Technician License and hopefully I'll be able to find a job working in a school before I apply to grad school next December so I can get some experience.
Mike and I are planning on moving to Brigham City in August... yes the ghetto of Utah (besides ChicOgden) It's going to be a party! It is there that our children will grow up and go to Box Elder High in all of its glory... I AM excited about all of the fruit stands though. Hello canning!
Mike has decided he wants to keep doing Insurance for his career which is pretty awesome! We absolutely love the people he works with and he likes his job so why not? :) We know it's the right place for us to be and we're both happy about it. I don't know if I'm extremely happy about the location of this job, but I will survive and hopefully with the temple being built, the city will get bigger and there will be more things to do besides go to Maddox and Wal-Mart. I'm just grateful that Mike knows what he wants to do with the rest of his life and that we kind of have a plan. We've definitely been blessed and I'm excited to see what's ahead of us!
Here is a website (http://www.kingofforwards.com/hilarious-funny-forwards/limited-edition-utah-barbies/) that made barbies for different cities in Utah. This is what Brigham City got.
