When it got closer to Christmas we were able to go to the David Archuletta concert with our friends the Drydens. We got there a little late so we couldn't get into the conference center which was kind of a bumber, but we were able to get into the conference center theater to see the performance. It was SO good. That kids voice is like butter!
For Christmas this year, we spent Christmas Eve and morning with my family. It was fun to have my sister Chelsie's little kids this year so there was a little magic. After lunch, we headed over to Mike's parents house and opened presents, had Christmas dinner, and watched a movie. It was a really fun day.
Eating my dads traditional Christmas morning Green Eggs and Ham.
As for January, we both decided to take all of our classes online so we could both work whatever schedules we needed to and not have to work around our school schedules. We'll see how that works out since I'm a huge procrastinator. I've taken online classes before and wasn't very good at staying on top of things so that is a pretty big goal for me. :)
Last night we were able to go with my parents and Christian up to Beaver Mt. for their ward ski night. It was FABULOUS! I didn't realize how much I missed skiing. It was so fun! Mike and I really want to go a lot more this winter because we both had a lot of fun. It has been a great couple of months! Just can't wait for warmer weather!